
机械隔膜计量泵 英文;机械隔膜计量泵 英文简称


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机械隔膜计量泵 英文;机械隔膜计量泵 英文简称

时间:2024-04-16 12:06 点击:133 次

Introduction to Mechanical Diaphragm Metering Pump

Mechanical diaphragm metering pump, also known as MDMP, is a type of positive displacement pump that is used for accurate and precise dosing of various fluids. This pump is widely used in industries such as water treatment, chemical processing, oil and gas, and many others. Its ability to handle a wide range of viscosities and corrosive fluids makes it a versatile and reliable choice for metering applications.

Design and Construction

The mechanical diaphragm metering pump consists of a pump head, a diaphragm, a set of check valves, and a drive mechanism. The pump head is typically made of materials such as PVC, PVDF, or stainless steel to ensure compatibility with different chemicals. The diaphragm, usually made of PTFE or other elastomers, separates the process fluid from the hydraulic fluid, preventing any contamination. The check valves ensure one-way flow of the fluid, and the drive mechanism, which can be a motor or a pneumatic actuator, controls the movement of the diaphragm.

The design of the pump allows for precise and repeatable metering of fluids, making it suitable for applications where accuracy is crucial.

Operating Principle

When the pump is in operation, the diaphragm moves back and forth, creating a suction and discharge stroke. During the suction stroke, the diaphragm moves away from the pump head, allowing the fluid to enter the pump chamber. On the discharge stroke, the diaphragm moves towards the pump head, forcing the fluid out of the chamber and into the system. This reciprocating action ensures a consistent flow rate and accurate dosing of the fluid.

Features and Benefits

The mechanical diaphragm metering pump offers several advantages, including precise dosing accuracy, the ability to handle a wide range of viscosities and pressures, and compatibility with various chemicals. It also provides a smooth and pulse-free flow, making it suitable for applications where a constant and uniform flow is required. Additionally, the pump is relatively easy to maintain and has a long service life, making it a cost-effective choice for many industries.


The MDMP is used in a variety of industries, including water treatment, chemical processing, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, and oil and gas. It is commonly used for adding chemicals such as disinfectants, coagulants, and corrosion inhibitors to water treatment systems, as well as for dosing additives in chemical processing and other industrial processes.

Installation and Maintenance

Proper installation and maintenance are essential for the efficient and reliable operation of mechanical diaphragm metering pumps. The pump should be installed in a stable and accessible location, with proper consideration given to factors such as suction and discharge piping, pressure relief, and safety measures. Regular maintenance, including inspection of diaphragms, check valves, and seals, as well as lubrication of moving parts, is necessary to ensure optimal performance and extend the pump's service life.


In conclusion, the mechanical diaphragm metering pump is a versatile and reliable choice for accurate and precise dosing of fluids in various industrial applications. Its robust design, precise operating principle, and wide range of features make it a valuable asset for industries where metering and dosing are critical processes. With proper installation and maintenance, the MDMP can provide consistent and reliable performance, contributing to the efficiency and success of industrial operations.


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